We need you to open your eyes to a world waiting to be discovered—individuals and entire communities who seem almost forgotten need your help today. We here at Mission Stopover believe that all Christians want to do what God has planned for their life, the problem is that we don’t always know how to fulfill our destiny. We don’t know if we are called to build homes for the poor, love on orphans, feed the hungry, clothe and educate school children and the list goes on and on.   

In life when we want to accomplish a goal such as: a professional career, an athlete, starting a business we need to learn everything we can about that subject and it can take many years of hard work to reach the top of your game.

Working in the mission field is no different! You need to do some searching of souls and researching and also spend some time talking to other Christians who have been doing mission work for many years.

It’s a given that the world needs thousands of Christians to go to the mission field, but if you feel in your heart that this is not your calling, then give in other ways such as – your time, expertise and of course money, because money in the right hands can change the world

Our Lord said, “What you give and do for others, you do and give for Me”

“Be a big part of the solution ”